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This week I fixed my issue from last week which did not allow me to use certain libraries. This allowed me to finally take data from the API in JSON which I could then use to display on the OLED screen. To show the temperature, I converted to value of the temperature in the JSON file to a string and then printed it to the display.

I now need to combine my previous code in order to display an animation according to the different weather, however I am receiving a memoryAllocation error. I've dealt with this error before so I think I might know how to fix it so it should not be too bad.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 63, in <module>
  File "adafruit_imageload/", line 74, in load
  File "adafruit_imageload/bmp/", line 73, in load
  File "adafruit_imageload/bmp/", line 81, in load
MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 114688 bytes

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This week I did not get much done due to very few class periods this week. I spent the beginning of the week working on cleaning up the code and implanting the arrays and the if else statements so tha

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